Having a part-time job is certainly a financial setback, but it is compensated by benefits in kind. Like Josiane Décoste, many employees choose to only work a few days a week to devote more time to their family or to parallel activities. For several decades, part-time work has been the preserve of women. According to […]
A decade ago, temporary work was considered as extra income for professionals seeking permanent employment. However, today it is for many workers an attractive way of life. Emmanuel Caron, financial planner, has chosen to be a contractor and has a hard time leaving this type of contract and giving up the many benefits that ensue. […]
Should tipping be abolished?: the question has been tormenting the restaurant community for years. In Europe, the reward for service is included in the bill at a uniform rate. When paying, the consumer is not surprised and doesn’t ask questions. But here, it’s a completely different reality and opinions on the question are divided. Who […]