The hiring interview is already a daunting exercise in itself, but telephone interview can be even more scary. However, with a bit of preparation, you can impress the recruiter and get the job, or at least move to the next step of the process – the face-to-face appointment. 6 tips to persuade your future employer […]
Some recruiters commonly use odd—to say the least—interview questions to catch candidates unprepared. Here is an example of the cream of the crop in terms of strangeness, but be forewarned, some of them will leave you scratching your head! While candidates try to prepare for recruiters’ trick questions, they cannot possibly imagine some of the […]
Virtual interviews are here to stay. They were extremely rare two years ago. They have now become the norm. How can you be in top form for a live interview from your living room? Here are some tips to help you prepare. Basic rules still apply Face to face or remote, some actions are imperative. […]
The job interview is often a stressful experience. Focused on the image that they wish to convey, applicants sometimes don’t clarify certain essential points. So, before accepting an offer, here are five questions that should not be ignored. Is the company flexible? The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that many tasks can be done remotely. According […]
Want to change jobs? Before accepting a new job, fine-tune your negotiation strategy. Now is the right time to dare to negotiate: for a rare time in history, workers have the big end of the stick because of the widespread shortage of staff. Here are some ways to get the maximum benefits from a negotiation. […]
Overall, recruiters who interview someone looking for a job ask more or less the same questions, regardless of the position to be filled. To properly prepare for your appointment with your potential employer, learn to answer these classic questions. Tell me about yourself “My name is First name Last name. I worked for X years […]
More subtle than sending a resume, the exploratory meeting is a way to open doors to potential employers without necessarily appearing to beg for a job… Let’s see what it is. The exploratory meeting is an informal meeting that is requested with a director, manager or professional of the same hierarchical level, to obtain information […]
Employers are requiring a second job interview more and more frequently. This is an opportunity for you to present yourself in more depth and ask your nagging questions. Here are our five tips to make the most of this second meeting. Be glad Being called to a second interview is excellent news, and it means […]
When an employee resigns it is becoming more and more common to conduct an exit interview. How is it conducted? What do you gain from it? We spoke to Émilie Pelletier, CHRP and HR marketing and communication strategist at HRM Group. Less known than the hiring interview, the exit interview is gaining popularity among organizations […]
A decade ago, temporary work was considered as extra income for professionals seeking permanent employment. However, today it is for many workers an attractive way of life. Emmanuel Caron, financial planner, has chosen to be a contractor and has a hard time leaving this type of contract and giving up the many benefits that ensue. […]
What a happy surprise to see the job of your dreams posted on your company’s intranet. Be careful though, because what seems to be an opportunity in your eyes could quickly prove to be a disadvantage… How do you prepare and behave for an internal recruitment? What links need to be woven within the company […]
How to manage a kitchen team well – Cook, manager, team leader: the head chef wears many hats. He is also responsible for the restaurant’s reputation and smooth running. What expertise does he have to have to don the apron of this super conductor? What are the challenges to be overcome? In short, how to […]